Wednesday, March 19, 2025
8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Westin La Paloma
3800 East Sunrise Dr.
Tucson, AZ
Preregistration Required
RSS Member Registration Rate: $100
Non Member Registration Rate: $150
The 2025 Advancements in GRID, LATTICE, Microbeam, and FLASH Symposium provides a review and update on the clinical practice, physics, and biology of novel non-homogenous radiation therapy, including spatially-fractionated therapy (SFRT), GRID, LATTICE, Microbeam, and FLASH radiotherapy. The program will be multidisciplinary, representing clinical practice, physics, and biology in each session; and will focus on the intersections of clinical application, biology, and physics, which are strongly interdependent. Current knowledge in all three disciplines will be critically appraised in each session and future perspectives will be developed for clinical research, physics, technological development, and basic science in these evolving fields.
Planning Commmittee Chairs:
Adriana Haimovitz-Friedman, PhD, Attending Radiation Biologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer, New York, NY
Hualin Zhang, PhD, University of Southern California, Radiation Oncology, Los Angeles, CA
Educational Objectives:
- Identify areas of opportunity for further innovation in spatially fractionated and ultra high dose rate radiotherapy clinical applications.
- Describe basic science, in silico, and clinical research to further understand SFRT effects.
- Gain a better understanding through pragmatic training of the requirements to build an SFRT or FLASH program.